Every Time You Express an Opinion, You're Screwed
Why expressing opinions can put you in hot water and how grounding your leadership in facts can transform your effectiveness and credibility.
Hello, Remote Leader 👋
Today, I want to share a critical insight that has shaped my approach to leadership: rely solely on facts, never opinions.
The essence of effective leadership is grounding your expressions in facts.
Why? Facts are:
Let's dive into a practical scenario to illustrate the difference between feedback based on facts versus opinions and the potential outcomes of each approach.
The Power of Objective Feedback
Imagine you've just wrapped up a team meeting and decided to give feedback to a colleague. Here are two ways you could approach it 👇
Fact-Based Observation
"I noticed you didn't ask any questions during the meeting. Can I ask why?"
This is a fact-based observation. It's concrete and leaves little room for challenge.
Opinion-Based Statement
"I noticed you seemed withdrawn during our last meeting. Can I ask why?"
This statement is opinion-based. It's subjective and opens the door for the other person to counter, "Withdrawn? Not at all. I had nothing to add."
The Risk of Opinions
Whenever you express an opinion, you're potentially stepping into a minefield. Opinions invite debate because they're inherently subjective.
It's easy for someone to say, "That's not true."
The crux of the matter is that it's much easier to voice opinions than to present facts.
The real challenge—and where true leadership strength lies—is in gathering and presenting undeniable facts.
Fact-Based Leadership Style
Adopting a fact-based leadership style doesn't mean stifling your voice or never sharing your perspective. Instead, it's about ensuring your feedback and directives are grounded in undeniable truths.
This approach solidifies your credibility and a culture of transparency and accountability.
In your journey towards becoming a more effective remote leader, challenge yourself to lean on the power of facts.
It will require more effort upfront, but clarity, effectiveness, and respect payoff is immeasurable.
Every Time You Express an Opinion, You're Screwed. Just speak with facts ✌️
That's all for this Saturday.
REMOTE.HOW - Become a Better Remote Leader in 2 mins/week.
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I wish you a great weekend!
Facts based feedback, defense or making a case has always helped. I admit sometimes I do get swept by opinions because over time opinions do take a shape. It’s an effort to stay on the facts and it is worth the effort. Thanks for writing this since it is an effort and this is a good reminder !